13 May 2020

Tie-Dye Mania

There is no shortage of tie-dye clothing available at the moment: both the high street and designers are furiously peddling their take on the trend. I got quite heavily in to tie-dye last summer. My first attempt since childhood took place in Camberwell, see here. Min and I were hooked. Here we are a few months later in Portugal and up to our elbows in buckets of salt and dye.
Pictures by Allegra Pilkington

It's a very fun, inexpensive project. If like me your white t-shirts don't stay that way for long, or your other half is chucking theirs out - save them up for a Dylon sink session. I get dye from eBay (or your local art shop, when it reopens), but the Dylon website is helpful to see the full range of colours.