23 July 2020

10 Years of 'What's She Like?'

It dawned on me this week that I've been writing 'What's She Like?' for 10 years! A surprise, even though I know I've kept this digital diary/scrapbook charting my sartorial (and beyond) journey through my 20s and into my 30s. Some posts make me cringe beyond belief - others make me smile at how confident and enthusiastic I was about the things I love. Here is my first ever post, aged 21 sitting in a cold student house in Withington, Manchester.

10 years later as a Fashion Stylist living and working back in my hometown of London, the young woman in Manchester wouldn't have believed what was to come... As the world seems to be looking at itself afresh and working out what's next - myself very much included - it's important to remember how far we've come, the people and places we have cherished, and of course - the clothes we have loved and worn to bits! Some faves from the early days (click image to read):